health benefit of drinking black tea

Here are the health benefits of consuming black tea as reported by Improve oral health. Black tea contains polyphenols which can destroy harmful bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria can make cavities, plaque, and other oral infections. Serves as an antioxidant. The polyphenols in black tea are also a type of antioxidant that is very good for protecting the body from the effects of free radicals. Polyphenols are also able to prevent DNA damage and prolong your life. Boosts the immune system. Black tea contains antigens called alkylamines which are useful for boosting the immune system. Black tea also contains compounds called tannins. Tannins function to prevent minor illnesses caused by viruses. Healthy digestion. The phytochemicals and tannins present in black tea have a restorative effect on your digestive tract. This effect will make the sewage system smooth and be able to maintain a healthy digestive system. Protect the heart. Consuming black tea can also protect your overall heart health. Research shows that those who diligently drink black tea every day have a 20 percent reduced risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Strengthens bones and teeth. Besides being good for digestive health, the phytochemical content in black tea can strengthen bones and teeth and reduce the risk of disease. arthritis. Reducing the risk of diabetes. Research also shows that the risk of developing diabetes will be reduced if you are diligent in drinking black tea regularly. Prevent cancer. Drinking black tea can provide benefits to prevent cancer. This is because black tea is rich in catechin polyphenols which help in preventing certain types of cancer. Women who are diligent in drinking black tea can also avoid the risk of ovarian cancer. Those are some of the beneficial benefits of drinking black tea every day.

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